Modern Technology’s Effect on Skin Health

Modern Technology's Effect on Skin Health

Two common experiences in modern life are stress and struggling to fall or stay asleep. These factors initially affect your alertness the following day and, over time, can visibly dull your skin tone. This raises the question: What actually works in terms of effective skin care

Effect on Skin Health

Modern society has undoubtedly enhanced various aspects of people’s lives. However, this progress has brought along its companions: stress and restless nights, which are now prevalent for many. Apart from their negative impact on mental well-being, these “contemporary challenges” also contribute to changes and aging of the skin

What is the impact of stress on the skin?

When feeling stressed and anxious, the body releases a significant amount of cortisol, a hormone that aids in managing such situations. Nevertheless, extended periods of stress and excessive cortisol usage can trigger skin tissue inflammation. Consequently, this speeds up the aging process, resulting in the emergence of issues like freckles, sagging, and wrinkles. Paola Pomerantzeff, a dermatologist and member of the Brazilian Society of Dermatology, highlights these effects

The Blue Light Effects

The forefront of concerns is the blue light emitted by our electronic devices. Whether it’s from the sun, LED lights, or digital screens, they all emit blue light as part of the visible spectrum. While blue light isn’t inherently harmful and actually helps regulate our sleep-wake cycle, extended screen time can result in excessive blue light exposure. Research suggests that this might contribute to skin aging. This is because blue light can penetrate the skin more deeply than UVB radiation, which could potentially lead to changes in skin tone, irritation, and reduced resilience

Impacts of Sleepless Nights

It’s widely understood that inadequate sleep negatively influences both health and skin. Yet, in today’s world, ensuring consistent sleep quality has become a challenge for many. As Mário Fari nazzo a plastic surgeon with a PhD and a member of the Brazilian Society of Plastic Surgeons, explains, “This is because while we sleep, our cells undergo regeneration, and harmful free radicals are cleared

Addressing Stressed Skin Concerns

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Moreover, it’s essential to address any emerging dermatitis symptoms. Opting for products containing the active ingredient BAM, which directly hinders the enzyme responsible for cortisol production, is a suitable strategy to counteract the skin’s stress-related impacts

Consequently, achieving a balance in stress hormone levels leads to diminished harm to collagen fibers and enhanced skin tissue quality. This, in turn, helps sustain the skin’s youthful appearance, health, and resilience,” explains Gustavo Saczk, a dermatologist with a PhD and a member of both the Brazilian Society of Dermatology and the Brazilian Society of Dermatological Surgeons. He also serves as a scientific advisor for Eta Cosmetics

In addition, an oral serum, when used alongside a topical serum, is a recommended approach to amplify the effectiveness of treatment. Patricia Franca, the Chief Scientific Officer at Biotec Dermocosmetics, elaborates, “The oral serum incorporates components like Modulip GC and Glycoxil, designed to mitigate the lasting impact of stress on the skin, while also balancing the excessive production of cortisol and glycation

Addressing Skin Concerns After Sleepless Nights

Have you observed facial swelling after restless or prolonged sleep? In such cases, Dr. Paola suggests ensuring a daily intake of at least two liters of water. She highlights the suitability of options like coconut water and green tea. Additionally, managing your sodium intake during meals is crucial, as excess sodium can lead to water retention, particularly when consuming processed juices

Engaging in physical activity during the day is equally vital, as it promotes overall well-being. “Muscle contractions play a role in facilitating fluid drainage,” explains Dr. Paola. Integrating exercise with a well-balanced diet, including vegetables known for their detoxifying properties like cabbage, broccoli, and cauliflower, offers benefits for the entire body. This approach can effectively diminish swelling and fluid retention

Nonetheless, if you’ve been grappling with persistent insomnia, your skin’s natural repair mechanism might suffer. In such situations, products containing resveratrol and pomegranate seed oil can be beneficial. Resveratrol boasts potent antioxidant abilities, promoting extended cell vitality. Meanwhile, pomegranate seed oil serves as a robust ally with exceptional antioxidant properties. According to Ludmila Bonelli, an esthetic and cosmetic dermatologist, as well as the Chief Scientific Officer of Be Belle, “Pomegranate seed oil fortifies skin structure and enhances its immune resilience, all while combating the impact of free radicals and their aging effects

When considering supplements, pharmacist Patrícia França suggests Exsynutriment as an option. It’s an organic silicone that enhances collagen production. Another choice is Oral FC, which aids in boosting hydration while also combating aging and inflammation.

Alternatively, you can explore targeted skin treatments. The Pico Ultra 300 is designed to diminish blemishes and promote rejuvenation. Additionally, the Ultraction 3D treatment is ideal for stimulating collagen growth

As suggested by dermatologist Paola, when dealing with early wrinkles, the Relax & Refresh treatment can be employed to decelerate the aging process, particularly targeting the eye and mouth regions. In this procedure, a muscle-relaxing botulinum toxin is combined with a skin booster, which accelerates hydration and collagen generation. This combination aids in diminishing crow’s feet and wrinkles. On average, the treatment spans 3 sessions and manifests noticeable results around 15 days after the sessions

Another technique to consider is LipoGlow, which involves injecting fat into the face to enhance skin elasticity and radiance. According to Mário Farinazzo, a plastic surgeon with a PhD, the lipoenxertia procedure utilizes the body’s own fat to restore volume, support rejuvenation, and reinstate firmness and luminosity to facial skin. “The use of the client’s own fat avoids rejection and yields results that are more natural, essentially improving the skin’s state on a long-term basis,” he explains. This is due to the fact that approximately half of the grafted fat seamlessly integrates with the tissue

Screen Time & Sleep Quality

Numerous studies have indicated that prolonged screen usage, particularly before bedtime, can disrupt our natural circadian rhythm and compromise the quality of sleep. Sleep is paramount for maintaining skin health because it’s during this period that our skin cells undergo repair and regeneration. Insufficient sleep diminishes your skin’s ability to effectively heal and renew itself, potentially resulting in a fatigued and aged appearance over time

Skin Protection In The Digital Age..

So, how can we safeguard our skin while living alongside our devices? Firstly, consider acquiring a blue light shield or screen protector for your gadgets. These tools are designed to mitigate the impact of skin-harming blue light emitted by screens by either blocking or absorbing it.

Additionally, make device cleaning a regular practice. By consistently sanitizing your phone and keyboard, you can greatly reduce the risk of transferring germs to your face.

Establishing boundaries with technology is also vital. To minimize stress and improve sleep quality, set a “tech curfew” an hour or two before bedtime. Alternatively, designate specific periods of the day as device-free, which can contribute to your overall well-being

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